Html 5.1 new features
Html 5.1 new features

  • TAP5-654 – Improve component classes documentation to be clearer about relationship between and t:id.
  • html 5.1 new features

  • TAP5-629 – Ensure blackbird console appears on top of other page elements.
  • TAP5-274 – Application State Object is a misleading term rename to TAP5-612 – URLRewriting should distinguish between incoming and outgoing requests.
  • html 5.1 new features

  • TAP5-660 – Type coercion from String to DateFormat will always coerce using the server's default locale, rather than the current per-thread locale.
  • TAP5-659 – In some servlet containers, access to virtual assets can result in a GZIP-related exception.
  • TAP5-653 – Appending a context to an URL of the Index page results in too many slashes.
  • TAP5-652 – Script tag is missing required attribute type.
  • TAP5-649 – Forms containing loop components which contain no form elements still encode into t:formdata hidden field.
  • TAP5-648 – Tapestry should be more careful about where, inside the, it adds new elements.
  • TAP5-647 – Quickstart archetype should not include the tapestry-test dependency, as the Jetty embedded inside Selenium gets in the way of RunJettyRun inside Eclipse.
  • TAP5-646 – When Tapestry is combining JavaScript files, it should check for a JS file that ends with an unterminated comment, and add the comment terminator.
  • TAP5-644 – When using PageTester, an exception in the page is hidden by an exception rendering the exception report page (pt.
  • TAP5-641 – Inherited parameters that are themselves inherited will appear null.
  • TAP5-640 – DOM manipulation during rendering can NPE.
  • TAP5-631 – Contributed ApplicationInitializer not always executed when using tapestry-spring.
  • TAP5-622 – Client ids should not contain the ':' character, as that can confuse WebKit-based browsers.
  • TAP5-613 – Returning a Link to a secure page from an ajax event handler method causes the redirect to be invalid if the event is sent from an insecure page.
  • TAP5-571 – Misplaced results in an inscrutable exception.
  • TAP5-524 – Published parameters exposed from embedded components not included in Component Reference.
  • TAP5-501 – In the Component interface javadoc the sentence "This interface is likely to change without notice." should be deleted or the interface be moved to an internal package.
  • TAP5-500 – Small typo in javadoc comments for Cookies service.
  • TAP5-353 – Description of volatile parameter for the Grid component is misleading, should be clear that application is responsible for the tracking the row.
  • TAP5-130 – Tapestry component report fails if the project's path name contains spaces.
  • TAP5-601 – Add German translation for client-side JavaScript messages.
  • TAP5-580 – Add get() method to TestBase to allow read access to private fields of objects via reflection.
  • TAP5-223 – Allow properties files (on classpath or in the context) to be used as SymbolProviders.
  • TAP5-651 – If component documentation: identify the use of the p: namespace.
  • TAP5-579 – Finnish internationalization is missing some of the keys in 5.1.
  • #Html 5.1 new features how to

    TAP5-531 – Add cookbook documentation to show how to use the delegate component for switch-like behaviour.TAP5-506 – Italian localization for DateField component.TAP5-214 – Document use of asset: and context: to reference assets directly from a template file.TAP5-670 – ParallelExecutorTest can't be compiled due to cast errors.TAP5-668 – BeanModel documentation should be more clear that a property must exist when using add(String).TAP5-666 – Property expression can not pass a boolean constant into a method.TAP5-665 – IE 6 on a tapestry SSL page complains about non-secure items (caused by blackbird js-logging component).TAP5-664 – Incorrect "legacy" URI specified in the templates documentation.TAP5-604 – contains invalid format strings.What does this mean for HTML 5 and HTML 5. The W3C has scheduled the release of HTML 5.2 for late 2017 and will be doing so with the the reviews on HTML 5.1.

    html 5.1 new features

    The World Wide Web Consortium published this recommendation on 1 November 2016, and the changes are found here. You can find the document on the W3C website hereĬoming with new and interesting features like, , and. Special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for userĪgents in an effort to improve interoperability." New features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elementsĬontinue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and Language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). As published by the W3C, "This specification defines the 5th major version, first minor revision of the core The new standard version of HTML as published by W3C is now HTML 5.1.

    Html 5.1 new features